Index of types

algebraic_datatype [MiniTypingEnvironment]
An algebraic datatype is characterized by a list of data constructors.
arterm [CoreAlgebra]
Terms whose parameters are either leaves of type 'a, or terms.
associativity [MiniAlgebra]
Associativity of a symbol.

binding [MiniAst]
A binding is a set of value definition (MiniAst.value_definition):
 let v1 = exp1 and v2 = exp2 and ... and vn = expn v 
, a set of mutually recursive definitions:
 let rec v1 = exp1 and v2 = exp2 and ... and vn = expn v 
, a type definition (MiniAst.type_definition).
builtin_dataconstructor [MiniAlgebra]
The type of predefined data constructors.

clause [MiniAst]
Pattern matching clause.
context [MiniInfer]
Constraint contexts.
crterm [Constraint]
The types in contraints are implemented using the internal data structure defined in CoreAlgebra.
crterm [MultiEquation]
The type of term of arbitrary depth.

data_constructor [MiniTypingEnvironment]
A data constructor's type is denoted by an ML scheme.
descriptor [MultiEquation]
A descriptor contains several pieces of information, the most important of which is the structure of the multi-equation, or, in other words, its unique non-variable member, if there is one.
dname [MiniAst]
Data constructors.

env [MiniKindInferencer]
The kind inference engine uses an environment implemented by two functions (get, add).
environment [MiniSolver]
The solver environment.
environment [MiniTypingEnvironment]
The type of the typing environement.
environment [MiniAlgebra]
A type constructor is a type variable with higher-order kind.
environment [Solver]
The solver environment.
expression [MiniAst]
An expression in Mini.

formatter_output [PrettyPrinter]
formula [MiniConstraintPrinter]
formula [ConstraintPrettyPrinter]
The constraint over equality between terms.

kind [MiniAst]

lname [MiniAst]
Record labels.
lname [CoreAlgebra]
lname is the type of label.

mode [PrettyPrinter]

name [MiniAst]
Program identifiers.

options [Processing]
output [PrettyPrinter]

pattern [MiniAst]
point [UnionFind]
The abstraction defined by this module is a set of points, partitioned into equivalence classes.
pool [MultiEquation]
pool is an abstract type denoting a set of type variables related to a variable binding location.
position [Positions]
Abstract for position in the lexing stream.
primitive [MiniAst]
process [Processing]
process_data [Processing]
process_datas [Processing]
process_type [Processing]
process_types [Processing]
program [MiniAst]
A program in the Mini language is a sequence of toplevel bindings.

record_binding [MiniAst]
recursive_value_definition_kind [MiniTypes]
recursive_value_definition_kind tests if a recursive definition is annotated or not.

scheme [Constraint]
A type scheme is a pair of a constraint c and a header h, wrapped within two sets of universal quantifiers rqs and fqs.
sname [Constraint]
sname is the type of the names that are used to refer to type schemes inside constraints.
solving_step [MiniSolver]
A solving_step describes a elementary step of the solver.
solving_step [Solver]
A solving_step describes a elementary step of the solver.
structure [MultiEquation]
A multi-equation can be related to a term.
symbol [MiniAlgebra]
Head symbols.

t [MiniKindInferencer]
Internal kind representation.
t [CoreAlgebra.RowLabel]
A row label is an object of type t, that is, an integer.
t [IntRank]
t [BasicSetEquations.SetType]
The type of sets.
t [Mark]
The type of marks.
t [Env]
t [InfiniteArray]
task [Processing]
task_name [Processing]
tconstraint [MiniSolver]
The constraint to solve.
tconstraint [Solver]
The constraint to solve.
tconstraint [Constraint]
Here is an abbreviation for the type constraint structure instantiated using our internal variable and term representations.
term [CoreAlgebra]
Terms whose parameters are of type 'a.
term [BasicSetEquations.Make]
A term denotes a disjoint sum of sets with unification variables inside.
tname [MiniAst]
Type variable names.
tname [MultiEquation]
tname is the type of type identifiers.
tscheme [Constraint]
Here is an abbreviation for the type scheme structure instantiated using out internal variable and term representations.
typ [MiniAst]
type_constraint [Constraint]
type_constraint defines a syntax for the constraints between types.
type_declaration [MiniAst]
type_definition [MiniAst]
Type definitions.
type_info [MiniTypingEnvironment]
A type is characterized by a kind, a variable and an optional set of algebraic data constructors.

value_definition [MiniAst]
A value definition consists of a list of explicit universal quantifiers, a pattern, and an expression.
variable [Constraint]
The variables that appear in contraints are the same as the multi-equation ones.
variable [MultiEquation]
The structure of the terms manipulated by a unifier is fixed and made visible to the outside, because it must be accessible to the constraint solver, which is built on top of a unifier.
variable_kind [MultiEquation]
There are two kinds of variable.