module MiniTypes: sig
.. end
This module transforms types from the user's syntax to the
internal representation of the inference engine.
This module transforms types from the user's syntax to the
internal representation of the inference engine.
: MiniAst.expression -> MiniAst.typ * MiniAst.expression
examines an expression and looks for a sufficiently
explicit type annotation.
If it finds one, it returns the type annotation,
together with the expression (deprived of its annotation).
Otherwise, it raises Not_found
recursive_value_definition_kind =
tests if a recursive definition
is annotated or not.
val explicit_or_implicit : MiniAst.pattern ->
MiniAst.expression -> recursive_value_definition_kind
explicit_or_implicit p e
tests if a definition is annotated or
not and normalizes it such that type constraint can be found
at the top of the term. For instance:
\(x:int). (x : int) is normalized into (\x.x : int -> int).
val variables_of_typ : MiniAst.typ -> Misc.StringSet.t
variables_of_typ ty
returns the type variables of ty
val arrow : MiniTypingEnvironment.environment ->
Constraint.variable CoreAlgebra.arterm ->
Constraint.variable CoreAlgebra.arterm ->
Constraint.variable CoreAlgebra.arterm
arrow env x1 x2
builds the internal representation of the
type x1 -> x2
val arity : MiniAst.typ -> int
arity (t1 -> ... -> tn)
returns n
val tycon : MiniTypingEnvironment.environment ->
MultiEquation.tname ->
Constraint.variable CoreAlgebra.arterm list ->
Constraint.variable CoreAlgebra.arterm
tycon t xs
builds the internal representation of the type t xs
val intern : Positions.position ->
MiniTypingEnvironment.environment -> MiniAst.typ -> Constraint.crterm
intern env ty
converts ty
into its internal representation.
val intern_let_env : Positions.position ->
MiniTypingEnvironment.environment ->
MultiEquation.tname list ->
MultiEquation.tname list ->
Constraint.variable list * Constraint.variable list *
internal_let_env env fqs rqs
internalizes the flexible variables
and the rigid variables rqs
into env
val intern_scheme : Positions.position ->
MiniTypingEnvironment.environment ->
string ->
MultiEquation.tname list ->
MiniAst.typ -> (Constraint.crterm, Constraint.variable) Constraint.scheme
intern_scheme env x fqs ty
returns the internal representation
of the type scheme forall fqs.ty
and the binding of x
to it.