Module CoreAlgebra (.ml)

module CoreAlgebra: sig .. end
This module implements a core algebra of first order terms.

The type core algebra contains all the first order terms built using the following four symbols:

RowCons is the row constructor which appends a label to a row. RowUniform denotes the row which maps every label to a particular term. App is the application of a type to another type. Var is a type variable.

This definition is later augmented to be usable in a real programming language in MiniAlgebra.

type lname = 
| LName of string
lname is the type of label.
module RowLabel: sig .. end
The universe of row labels.

Type as tree

type 'a term = 
| RowCons of RowLabel.t * 'a * 'a
| RowUniform of 'a
| App of 'a * 'a
| Var of 'a
Terms whose parameters are of type 'a. This data structure represents a tree whose depth is exactly equal to 1.
type 'a arterm = 
| TVariable of 'a
| TTerm of 'a arterm term
Terms whose parameters are either leaves of type 'a, or terms. arterm stands for ``abstract recursive term''.

Usual higher order functions

val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a term -> unit
iter f term applies f successively to every parameter of the term term.
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a term -> 'b term
map f term returns a term whose head symbol is that of term and whose parameters are the images of term's parameters through f.
val fold : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a term -> 'b -> 'b
fold f term accu folds f over term's parameters, using accu as initial value.
val fold2 : ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c) ->
'a term -> 'b term -> 'c -> 'c
fold2 f term term' accu folds f over term's parameters, using accu as initial value.

Type manipulation

val change_arterm_vars : ('a * 'a) list -> 'a arterm -> 'a arterm
val app : 'a arterm -> 'a arterm list -> 'a arterm
app t ts built the term corresponding to the (...((t t0) t1)... tn).
val uniform : 'a arterm -> 'a arterm
uniform t returns the row type that maps any label to t.
val rowcons : lname ->
'a arterm -> 'a arterm -> 'a arterm
rowcons l t r returns the row type (l: t; r).
val n_rowcons : (lname * 'a arterm) list ->
'a arterm -> 'a arterm
n_rowcons l ts r returns the row type (l0: t0; ...; ln: tn; r).