Module MultiEquation (.ml)

module MultiEquation: sig .. end
This module implements a data structure for multi-equations.

Multi-equation descriptor

type variable = descriptor UnionFind.point 
The structure of the terms manipulated by a unifier is fixed and made visible to the outside, because it must be accessible to the constraint solver, which is built on top of a unifier.

The unifier relies on a union/find algorithm. A variable is represented as a point of the union/find algorithm. An equivalence class of points corresponds, roughly speaking, to what is called a ``standard multi-equation'' in the book. Every multi-equation carries a descriptor.

type descriptor = {
   mutable structure : structure option;
   mutable rank : IntRank.t;
   mutable mark : Mark.t;
   mutable kind : variable_kind;
   mutable name : tname option;
   mutable pos : Positions.position option;
   mutable var : variable option;
A descriptor contains several pieces of information, the most important of which is the structure of the multi-equation, or, in other words, its unique non-variable member, if there is one.

If the structure field is None, then the multi-equation only has variable members. If it is Some t, then the multi-equation contains a non-variable member, namely the term t. Note that t is a term whose head symbol belongs to the algebra and whose parameters are again variables. Thus, the unifier works with so-called ``small terms'' only.

The rank field contains the rank currently attached to the multi-equation. As far as the unifier is concerned, ranks have no meaning. The unifier only knows that ranks are totally ordered. When two multi-equations are fused, the smaller rank is kept.

The mark field is transient, and may be used by the unifier's client for any purpose.

type structure = variable CoreAlgebra.term 
A multi-equation can be related to a term. In that case, it is structured.
type variable_kind = 
| Rigid
| Flexible
| Constant
There are two kinds of variable. A Flexible variable can be unified with other variables or terms. A Rigid variable cannot.
type tname = 
| TName of string
tname is the type of type identifiers.
type crterm = variable CoreAlgebra.arterm 
The type of term of arbitrary depth.
val is_structured : variable -> bool
is_structured v tests if v is related to a term.
val are_equivalent : variable -> variable -> bool
are_equivalent v1 v2 tests if v1 and v2 are in the same multi-equation.
val variable_name : variable -> tname option
variable_name v returns the name of v if it exists.
val variable_structure : variable -> structure option
variable_structure v returns the structure of v if it exists.
val explode : crterm -> variable CoreAlgebra.term
explode t converts an arbitrary depth tree into a 1-depth one using variables.
val variable : variable_kind ->
?name:tname ->
?structure:crterm ->
?pos:Positions.position -> unit -> variable
variable() returns a new variable.
val variable_list : variable_kind ->
'a list -> variable list * ('a * crterm) list
variable_list xs allocates a fresh variable for every element in the list xs, and returns both a list of these variables and an association list that maps elements to variables, viewed as types.
val variable_list_from_names : (tname ->
variable_kind * tname option) ->
tname list ->
variable list *
(tname * crterm) list
variable_list_from_strings f xs allocates a fresh variable for every string in the list xs, and returns both a list of these variables and an association list that maps elements to variables, viewed as types. The kind is determined using the provided function f.
val variable_set : (tname ->
variable_kind * tname option) ->
Misc.StringSet.t ->
variable list *
(crterm * Positions.position) Misc.StringMap.t
variable_set xs allocates a fresh variable for every element in the set xs, and returns both a list of these variables and a map of elements to variables.
val is_rigid : variable -> bool
is_rigid v returns true if v is a constant or rigid variable.
val is_flexible : variable -> bool
is_flexible v returns true if v is a flexible variable.

Pool management

The variables are also partitioned into distinct pools. The variable pools are related to variable binding location.
type pool 
pool is an abstract type denoting a set of type variables related to a variable binding location.
val inhabitants : pool -> variable list
inhabitants p returns the type variables of a pool.
val number : pool -> int
number p returns the rank of a p.
val new_pool : pool -> pool
new_pool p introduces a new pool with a rank equals to the one of p + 1.
val init : unit -> pool
init () returns a fresh pool.
val register : pool -> variable -> unit
register p v adds v into the pool p without modifying the rank of v.
val introduce : pool -> variable -> unit
introduce p v registers v into p and updates its rank accordingly.
val instance : pool -> variable -> variable
instance p v returns a valid instance of v.
val chop : pool -> crterm -> variable
chop p t introduces t into p by registering a variable into p for each node of its tree maintaining its structure using links between these variables.
val chopi : IntRank.t -> crterm -> variable
chopi rank term chops a term. Any freshly created variables receive rank rank, but are not added to any pool.