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Welcome to the documentation of the Standard Collections Library for JavaScript.

This package is available on NPM:

npm install scl

Use the links on the left/right to browse through the provided collections. Each collection describes how you should import it.

This module also exports some generics you can use to define functions that work on a specific category of collections. For example, to have a function that fills any kind of collection with numbers, you could do the following:

import { Collection } from "scl"

function fill(collection: Collection<number>) {

The following table lists what kind of collections are available and how they relate to one another:

Container Type Unique Order
Bag T No No
Set T Yes No
Sequence T No Yes
QueueLike T No Yes
Dict Pair<K, V> Yes No
MultiDict Pair<K, V> No No

If you found a problem with the documentation, you can open an issue on GitHub. If you like this library, don't forget to star the repository and leave a thank-you note somewhere in your project.


Using the priority queue to sort some tasks on importance

import { PriorityQueue } from "scl"

interface Task {
 priority: number
 description: string

const tasks = new PriorityQueue<Task>({
  compare: (a, b) => a.priority < b.priority

tasks.add({ description: 'Do the dishes', priority: 5 })
tasks.add({ description: 'Buy food', priority: 1 })
tasks.add({ description: 'Play some games', priority: 52 })
tasks.add({ description: 'Go for a walk', priority: 10 })
tasks.add({ description: 'Program like crazy', priority: 20 })

// Take the most important task from the queue
const buyFood = tasks.pop();

// See what the next task looks like without removing it
const doTheDishes = tasks.peek()

console.log('I should do the remaining tasks in the following order:');
for (const task of tasks) {
  console.log(`- ${task.description}`);

This will output the following text:

I should do the remaining tasks in the following order:
- Do the dishes
- Go for a walk
- Program like crazy
- Play some games

Sorting and querying a list of people based on their age

import { TreeIndex } from "scl"

interface Person {
  name: string;
  email: string;
  age: number;

const people = new TreeIndex<Person, number>([
    name: 'Bob',
    email: 'thebobman@gmail.com',
    age: 45,
    name: 'Fred',
    email: 'fred@outlook.com',
    age: 33,
    name: 'Lisa',
    email: 'lisa.turner@gmail.com',
    age: 37,

// Lisa is the oldest person who is at the very most 40 years old.
const lisa = people.getGreatestLowerBound(40);

// Bob is the youngest person older than Lisa
const bob = lisa.next();

// No one is older than Bob
assert(bob.next() === null);

Storing many different translations in the same dictionary

import { TreeMultiDict } from "scl"

const d = new TreeMultiDict<number, string>([
  [1, 'Ein'],
  [2, 'dos'],
  [1, 'uno'],
  [2, 'Zwei'],
  [2, 'duo'],

const oneInDifferentLanguages = [...d.getValues(1)];

for (const word of oneInDifferentLanguages) {
  console.log(`The number 1 can be translated as '${word}'`);

const [added, threeCursor] = d.emplace(3, 'tres')

if (d.hasKey(3)) {
  console.log(`The dictionary now has 3 in its keys.`);
} else {
  console.log(`The dictionary does not contain 3.`);

console.log(`The dictionary now has ${d.size} elements.`)


The output of the above program:

The number 1 can be translated as as 'uno'
The number 1 can be translated as as 'Ein'
The dictionary now has 3 in its keys.
The dictionary now has 6 elements.


Type aliases


AVLTreeIndexCursor<T>: AVLNode<T>

A transparent Cursor that only works on the right AVL tree.

Type parameters

  • T


AddResult<T>: [boolean, Cursor<T>]

Type parameters

  • T


DoubleLinkedListCursor<T>: DLNode<T>

Type parameters

  • T


HashSetCursor<T>: HashIndexCursor<T>

Type parameters

  • T


Hasher: (value: any) => void

The callback given to methods that implement the hashTag protocol.



Type declaration

    • (value: any): void
    • Parameters

      • value: any

      Returns void


Pair<K, V>: [K, V]

Simple sugar for an array-based pair. Used by dictionaries to denote the actual value that is stored in the collection.

Type parameters

  • K

  • V


RBTreeIndexCursor<T>: RBNode<T>

A transparent Cursor that only works on the right RB tree.

Type parameters

  • T


Vec2: [number, number]


Const compareTag

compareTag: typeof compareTag = ...

A symbol that is used to define a custom hash method for a certain class or object.

If this tag is present on an object, lessThan will use the method associated with this tag to compare the given object with something else.

Note that the value passed to the object's method does not have to be of the same type. It may be possible that a number is passed in, or something else entirely. It is your responsibility to perform the necessary checks.

class Character {

  constructor(public readonly charCode) {


  public [compareTag](other: any): boolean {
    return other instanceof Character
        && this.charCode < other.charCode;



Const getKeyTag

getKeyTag: typeof getKeyTag = ...

Const hashTag

hashTag: typeof hashTag = ...

A symbol that is used to define a custom hash method for a certain class or object.

If this tag is present on an object, hash will call it with a callback that you can use to add your fields to the resulting hash.

import { hashTag, Hasher } from "scl";

class Person {

    public fullName: string,
    public email: string,
  ) {


  [hashTag](h: Hasher): void {



Const isEqualTag

isEqualTag: typeof isEqualTag = ...

A symbol that is used to define a custom equality operator for a class or object.

import { isEqual, isEqualTag } from "scl";

class Cat {

    public owner: Person,
    public name: string,
    public age: number
  ) {


  public [isEqualTag](other: any) {
    return value instanceof Cat
        && isEqual(cat.owner, other.owner)
        && cat.name === other.name;





  • getKey(value: any): any
  • Parameters

    • value: any

    Returns any


  • hash(value: any): number
  • Hash any value to a number that should provide the least amount of collisions.

    This method will use hashTag if it is present on an object to hash according to a method you provided.

    The logic of this hash function was roughly taken from this StackOverflow answer.




    • value: any

      The value to hash

    Returns number

    A hash code


  • isEqual(a: any, b: any): boolean
  • Check whether two values are the same

    If a is an object that contains the isEqualTag, then this function will call that method and return whatever that method returned. If b contains the isEqualTag, it will attempt the same with b. This way, you can define your own classes with custom equality operators. See the isEqualTag for more information.

    Built-in JavaScript objects are just checked as if they were encoded to a JSON format and the resulting ouput is identical. For exmple, two plain JavaScript are the same if their enumerable keys contain the same values.






    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean


  • isIterable<T>(value: any): value is Iterable<T>
  • Type parameters

    • T = any


    • value: any

    Returns value is Iterable<T>


  • lessThan(a: any, b: any): boolean
  • Check whether the given value is smaller than another value.

    If a value is an object that contains a compareTag, then this function will call that method and return whatever that method returned. This way, you can define your own classes with custom comparison operators. See the compareTag for an example.

    There are some specific rules when it comes to checking built-in JavaScript objects:

    • A string is smaller than another string if and only if each character in the first string is smaller than the corresponding character in the second string. If the second string contains more characters than the first but the overlapping characters are smaller or equal, the first string will also be considered smaller than the first.
    • An array is smaller than another array if each element of the first array is smaller than than each corresponding element of the second array. An exception is made when the second array contains more elements than the first array. In that case, the first array is smaller if and only if each element is less then or equal to the corresponding element in the second array. The remaining elements 'force' the array to be larger.
    • An object is only smaller than another object if the values of the first object is smaller then the corresponding value of the second object. An exception is made when the second object contains more keys than the first object. In that case, the first obejct is smaller if and only if each value in the first object is smaller or equal to the corresponding value in the second object. The extra keys in the second object 'force' the second object to be larger.

    The above rules might seem strange at first, but they ensure that we can perform equality checks on string, arrays and objects by just using lessThan, as demonstrated in the following code:

    import { lessThan } from "scl";
    function equalByLesser(a, b) {
      return !lessThan(a, b) && !lessThan(b, a);
    console.log(equalByLesser(1, 1)) // true
    console.log(equalByLesser(1, 2)) // false
    console.log(equalByLesser('foo', 'foo')) // true
    console.log(equalByLesser('foo', 'bar')) // false
    console.log(equalByLesser([1, 2], [1, 2])) // true
    console.log(equalByLesser([1, 2], [1, 2, 3])) // false
    console.log(equalByLesser({ foo: 42 }, { foo: 42 }) // true
    console.log(equalByLesser({ foo: 42 }, { foo: 42, bar: 33 }) // false







    • a: any
    • b: any

    Returns boolean


  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method

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