Index of exceptions

CannotGeneralize [MiniTypingExceptions]
CannotGeneralize when the type of an expression cannot be generalized contrary to what is specified by the programmers using type annotations.
CannotGeneralize [Solver.SolverException]
CannotGeneralize when the type of an expression cannot be generalized contrary to what is specified by the programmers using type annotations.
CannotUnify [Unifier]
CannotUnifyHeadWithTerm [MiniTypingExceptions]
CannotUnifyHeadWithTerm is raised when we encounter first order unification error.

Error [BasicSetEquations.Make]
Error is raised if the construction of a disjoint sum has failed.

InvalidDataConstructorDefinition [MiniTypingExceptions]
InvalidDataConstructorDefinition is raised when the declared type scheme of a data constructor is not regular.
InvalidDisjunctionPattern [MiniTypingExceptions]
InvalidDisjunctionPattern is raised when the subpatterns of a disjunction pattern do not bind the same variables.
InvalidNumberOfTypeVariable [MiniTypingExceptions]
InvalidNumberOfTypeVariable is raised when the introduction of existential type variables in a pattern is not well-formed.
InvalidTypeVariableIdentifier [MiniTypingExceptions]
InvalidTypeVariableIdentifier is raised when a type variable is overwriting a type constructor.

KindError [MiniTypingExceptions]
KindError is raised when the kind of types are not correct.

MultipleLabels [MiniTypingExceptions]
MultipleLabels is raised when the user has built a record with two fields with the same name.

NonDistinctVariables [MiniTypingExceptions]
NonDistinctVariables is raised when two rigid type variables have been unified.
NonDistinctVariables [Solver.SolverException]
NonDistinctVariables is raised when two rigid type variables have been unified.
NonExhaustiveMatch [MiniTypingExceptions]
This exception is raised when a match is not complete.
NonLinearPattern [MiniTypingExceptions]
NonLinearPattern is raised when at least two occurrences of a variable appear in a pattern.
NotEnoughPatternArgts [MiniTypingExceptions]
NotEnoughPatternArgts is raised when the arity of a data constructor is not respected in a pattern.

Other [ParsingExceptions]

PartialDataConstructorApplication [MiniTypingExceptions]
PartialDataConstructorApplication is raised when a data constructor's arity is not respected by the programmer.

RecursiveDefMustBeVariable [MiniTypingExceptions]
RecursiveDefMustBeVariable is raised in case of bad formed recursive value definition.

Strict [Misc.StringMap]

TypingError [Solver.SolverException]
TypingError is raised when an inconsistency is detected during constraint solving.

UnboundDataConstructor [MiniTypingExceptions]
UnboundDataConstructor is raised when a constructor identifier is used although it has not been defined.
UnboundIdentifier [Solver.SolverException]
UnboundIdentifier is raised when an identifier is undefined in a particular context.
UnboundTypeConstructor [MiniTypingExceptions]
UnboundConstructor is raised when a type constructor is unbound.
UnboundTypeIdentifier [MiniTypingExceptions]
UnboundTypeIdentifier is raised when an unbound type identifier is found.
UnboundTypeVariable [MiniTypingExceptions]
UnboundTypeVariable is raised when a variable identifier is used although it has not been defined.
Unclosed [ParsingExceptions]