(**************************************************************************) |
(* Mini, a type inference engine based on constraint solving. *)
(* Copyright (C) 2006. François Pottier, Yann Régis-Gianas *)
(* and Didier Rémy. *)
(* *)
(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *)
(* *)
(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *)
(* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA *)
(* 02110-1301 USA *)
(* *)
(**************************************************************************) |
(* $Id: solver.ml 421 2006-12-22 09:27:42Z regisgia $ *)
open Positions
open Misc
open Constraint
open Unifier
open MultiEquation
open CoreAlgebra
module type SolverException =
(** TypingError is raised when an inconsistency is detected during
constraint solving. *) |
exception TypingError of Positions.position
(** UnboundIdentifier is raised when an identifier is undefined in
a particular context. *) |
exception UnboundIdentifier of position * string
(** CannotGeneralize when the type of an expression cannot be
generalized contrary to what is specified by the programmers
using type annotations. *) |
exception CannotGeneralize of position * variable
(** NonDistinctVariables is raised when two rigid type variables have
been unified. *) |
exception NonDistinctVariables of position * (variable list)
exception TypingError of Positions.position
exception UnboundIdentifier of position * string
exception CannotGeneralize of position * variable
exception NonDistinctVariables of position * (variable list)
exception Inconsistency
type tconstraint = Constraint.tconstraint
type solving_step =
| Init of tconstraint
| Solve of tconstraint
| Solved of tconstraint
| UnifyTerms of crterm * crterm
| UnifyVars of variable * variable
| Generalize of int * variable list
type environment =
| EEmpty
| EEnvFrame of environment * string * variable
let environment_as_list e =
let rec conv acu = function
| EEmpty ->
| EEnvFrame (env, name, v) ->
conv ((name, v)::acu) env
conv [] e
(** lookup name env looks for a definition of name within
the environment env . *) |
let rec lookup pos name = function
| EEnvFrame (env, name', scheme) ->
if name = name' then scheme
else lookup pos name env
| EEmpty ->
raise (UnboundIdentifier (pos, name))
(* [generalize] *)
let generalize old_pool young_pool =
(* We examine the variables in the young pool and sort them by rank
using a simple bucket sort mechanism. (Recall that every variable
in the young pool must have rank less than or equal to the pool's
number.) These variables are also marked as ``young'', so as to
be identifiable in constant time. *)
let young_number =
number young_pool in
let sorted =
Array.create (young_number + 1) [] in
let young =
Mark.fresh() in
List.iter (fun v ->
let desc = UnionFind.find v in
desc.mark <- young;
let rank = desc.rank in
sorted.(rank) <- v :: sorted.(rank)
with Invalid_argument _ ->
(* The invariant is broken. *)
failwith (Printf.sprintf "Out of bound when generalizing %s/%s"
(string_of_int rank)
(string_of_int (Array.length sorted)))
) (inhabitants young_pool);
(* Next, we update the ranks of the young variables. One goal is to ensure
that if [v1] is dominated by [v2], then the rank of [v1] is less than or
equal to the rank of [v2], or, in other words, that ranks are
nonincreasing along any path down the structure of terms. The second
goal is to ensure that the rank of every young variable is exactly the
maximum of the ranks of the variables that it dominates, if there are
The process consists of several depth-first traversals of the forest
whose entry points are the young variables. Traversals stop at old
variables. Roughly speaking, the first goal is achieved on the way
down, while the second goal is achieved on the way back up.
During each traversal, every visited variable is marked as such, so as
to avoid being visited again. To ensure that visiting every variable
once is enough, traversals whose starting point have lower ranks must
be performed first. In the absence of cycles, this enforces the
following invariant: when performing a traversal whose starting point
has rank [k], every variable marked as visited has rank [k] or less
already. (In the presence of cycles, this algorithm is incomplete and
may compute ranks that are slightly higher than necessary.) Conversely,
every non-visited variable must have rank greater than or equal to
[k]. This explains why [k] does not need to be updated while going
down. *)
let visited =
Mark.fresh() in
for k = 0 to young_number do
let rec traverse v =
let desc = UnionFind.find v in
(* If the variable is young and was not visited before, we immediately
mark it as visited (which is important, since terms may be cyclic).
If the variable has no structure, we set its rank to [k]. If it has
some structure, we first traverse its sons, then set its rank to the
maximum of their ranks. *)
if Mark.same desc.mark young then begin
desc.mark <- visited;
desc.rank <- match desc.structure with
| Some term ->
fold (fun son accu ->
max (traverse son) accu
) term IntRank.outermost
| _ ->
(* If the variable isn't marked ``young'' or ``visited'', then it must
be old. Then, we update its rank, but do not pursue the computation
any further. *)
else if not (Mark.same desc.mark visited) then begin
desc.mark <- visited;
if k < desc.rank then
desc.rank <- k
(* If the variable was visited before, we do nothing. *)
(* In either case, we return the variable's current (possibly updated)
rank to the caller, so as to allow the maximum computation above. *)
Misc.iter traverse sorted.(k)
with Invalid_argument _ ->
(* The invariant is broken. *)
failwith "Out of bound in traverse"
(* The rank of every young variable has now been determined as precisely
as possible.
Every young variable that has become an alias for some other (old or
young) variable is now dropped. We need only keep one representative
of each equivalence class.
Every young variable whose rank has become strictly less than the
current pool's number may be safely turned into an old variable. We do
so by moving it into the previous pool. In fact, it would be safe to
move it directly to the pool that corresponds to its rank. However, in
the current implementation, we do not have all pools at hand, but only
the previous pool.
Every young variable whose rank has remained equal to the current
pool's number becomes universally quantified in the type scheme that is
being created. We set its rank to [none]. *)
for k = 0 to young_number - 1 do
List.iter (fun v ->
if not (UnionFind.redundant v) then
register old_pool v
) sorted.(k)
with Invalid_argument _ ->
(* The invariant is broken. *)
failwith "Out of bound in young refresh."
List.iter (fun v ->
if not (UnionFind.redundant v) then
let desc = UnionFind.find v in
if desc.rank < young_number then
register old_pool v
else (
desc.rank <- IntRank.none;
if desc.kind = Flexible then desc.kind <- Rigid
) sorted.(young_number)
(** distinct_variables vl checks that the variables in the list vl
belong to distinct equivalence classes and that their structure is
None . In other words, they do represent distinct (independent)
variables (as opposed to nonvariable terms). *) |
exception DuplicatedMark of Mark.t
let distinct_variables pos vl =
let m = Mark.fresh() in
List.iter (fun v ->
let desc = UnionFind.find v in
match desc.structure with
| Some _ ->
raise (CannotGeneralize (pos, v))
| _ ->
if Mark.same desc.mark m then
raise (DuplicatedMark m);
desc.mark <- m
) vl
with DuplicatedMark m ->
let vl' = List.filter (fun v -> Mark.same (UnionFind.find v).mark m)
raise (NonDistinctVariables (pos, vl'))
(** generic_variables vl checks that every variable in the list vl
has rank none . *) |
let generic_variables pos vl =
List.iter (fun v ->
let desc = UnionFind.find v in
if IntRank.compare desc.rank IntRank.none <> 0 then (
raise (CannotGeneralize (pos, v)))
) vl
(* [solve] *)
let solve tracer env pool c =
let final_env = ref env in
let rec solve env pool c =
let pos = cposition c in
solve_constraint env pool c
with Inconsistency -> raise (TypingError pos)
and solve_constraint env pool c =
tracer (Solve c);
(match c with
| CTrue _ ->
| CDump _ ->
final_env := env
| CEquation (pos, term1, term2) ->
let t1, t2 = twice (chop pool) term1 term2 in
tracer (UnifyTerms (term1, term2));
unify_terms pos pool t1 t2
| CConjunction cl ->
List.iter (solve env pool) cl
| CLet ([ Scheme (_, [], fqs, c, _) ], CTrue _) ->
(* This encodes an existential constraint. In this restricted
case, there is no need to stop and generalize. The code
below is only an optimization of the general case. *)
(* TEMPORARY traiter un cas plus general que celui-ci? *)
List.iter (introduce pool) fqs;
solve env pool c
| CLet (schemes, c2) ->
let env' = List.fold_left
(fun env' scheme -> (
concat env' (solve_scheme env pool scheme)
)) env schemes in (
solve env' pool c2)
| CInstance (pos, SName name, term) ->
let t = lookup pos name env in
let instance = instance pool t in
let t' = chop pool term in
unify_terms pos pool instance t'
| CDisjunction cs ->
assert false
tracer (Solved c)
and solve_scheme env pool = function
| Scheme (_, [], [], c1, header) ->
(* There are no quantifiers. In this restricted case,
there is no need to stop and generalize.
This is only an optimization of the general case. *)
solve env pool c1;
StringMap.map (fun (t, _) -> chop pool t) header
| Scheme (pos, rqs, fqs, c1, header) ->
(* The general case. *)
let vars = rqs @ fqs in
let pool' = new_pool pool in
List.iter (introduce pool') rqs;
List.iter (introduce pool') fqs;
let header = StringMap.map (fun (t, _) -> chop pool' t) header in
solve env pool' c1;
tracer (Generalize (number pool', vars));
distinct_variables pos rqs;
generalize pool pool';
generic_variables pos rqs;
and concat env header =
StringMap.fold (fun name v env ->
EEnvFrame (env, name, v)
) header env
and unify_terms pos pool t1 t2 =
~tracer:(fun v1 v2 -> tracer (UnifyVars (v1, v2)))
pos (register pool) t1 t2
in (
solve env pool c;
(** init produces a fresh initial state. It consists of an empty
environment and a fresh, empty pool. *) |
let init () =
EEmpty, MultiEquation.init ()
(** The public version of solve starts out with an initial state
and produces no result, except possibly an exception. *) |
let solve ?tracer c =
let env, pool = init() in
let tracer = default ignore tracer in
tracer (Init c);
(* TEMPORARY integrer un occur check ici aussi *)
solve tracer env pool c