let rec iter f = function
| [] ->
| a :: l ->
let _ = f a in
iter f l
let rec assocp p = function
| [] ->
raise Not_found
| (key, data) :: l ->
if p key then data else assocp p l
module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
module StringMap = struct
include Map.Make(String)
let singleton key data =
add key data empty
exception Strict of string
let strict_add key data m =
let _ = find key m in
raise (Strict key)
with Not_found ->
add key data m
let union m1 m2 =
fold add m1 m2
let strict_union m1 m2 =
fold strict_add m1 m2
let domain m =
fold (fun k _ acu -> StringSet.add k acu) m StringSet.empty
let debug =
ref true
let print_separated_list separator print_elem xs =
let rec loop x = function
| [] ->
print_elem x
| y :: xs ->
print_elem x ^
separator ^
loop y xs
match xs with
| [] ->
| x :: xs ->
loop x xs
let make_indexes default =
let table =
Hashtbl.create 1023
array =
InfiniteArray.make default
and counter =
ref 0
let import s =
Hashtbl.find table s
with Not_found ->
let i = !counter in
Hashtbl.add table s i;
InfiniteArray.set array i s;
counter := i + 1;
and export i =
assert (i < !counter);
InfiniteArray.get array i
and find s =
Hashtbl.find table s
(import, export, find)
let rec last = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| [ a ] -> a
| a :: q -> last q
let curry f = fun (x, y) -> f x y
let switch_args f = fun x y -> f y x
let safe_find x =
with Not_found -> assert false
let notf f = fun x -> not (f x)
let eqf x = fun y -> y = x
let twice f x y = (f x, f y)
exception Inconsistency
let pmapq conv v =
List.assq v conv
with Not_found -> v
let default d = function
Some x -> x
| None -> d
let is_now v v' =
match v with
| None -> v'
| Some x -> if (v <> v') then raise Inconsistency else v
let rec itern n f =
if n = 0 then [] else (f ()) :: (itern (n-1) f)
let updatef f x v = List.map (fun (y, v') -> if x = y then (x, f v) else (y, v'))
let update x v = updatef (fun x -> x) x v
let set_of_list =
List.fold_left (fun a c -> StringSet.add c a) StringSet.empty
let intersect s1 s2 =
StringSet.inter s1 s2 <> StringSet.empty
let map_union m1 m2 =
StringMap.fold StringMap.add m1 m2
exception InvalidOptionUse
let unSome = function
| None -> raise InvalidOptionUse
| Some x -> x
let unSomef f = fun x -> unSome (f x)
let split3 l = List.fold_left (fun (l1,l2,l3) (a, b, c) -> a::l1, b::l2, c::l3)
([], [], []) l
let split4 l = List.fold_left
(fun (l1,l2,l3,l4) (a, b, c, d) -> a::l1, b::l2, c::l3, d::l4)
([], [], [], []) l
let split5 l =
(fun (l1,l2,l3,l4,l5) (a, b, c, d, e) -> a::l1, b::l2, c::l3, d::l4, e::l5)
([], [], [], [], []) l
let rec transpose l =
match l with
| [] -> []
| [] :: _ -> []
| [ a ] :: _ -> [ List.map List.hd l ]
| _ -> let hs, ts =
List.split (List.map (function l -> List.hd l, List.tl l) l)
in hs :: transpose ts
let list_unionq l1 =
List.fold_left (fun acu x -> if not (List.memq x acu) then x::acu else acu)
let list_removeq x = function
| [] -> []
| a :: q when x == a -> q
| l -> l
let const f = fun v -> f
let array_associ x a =
let len = Array.length a in
let rec chop i =
if i < len then
if fst a.(i) = x then i
else chop (i + 1)
raise Not_found
chop 0
let array_assoc x a =
snd a.(array_associ x a)
let assoc_proj1 l =
fst (List.split l)
let assoc_proj2 l =
snd (List.split l)
let proj1_3 (x,_,_) = x
let proj2_3 (_,y,_) = y
let proj3_3 (_,_,z) = z
let proj1_4 (x,_,_,_) = x
let proj2_4 (_,y,_,_) = y
let proj3_4 (_,_,z,_) = z
let proj4_4 (_,_,_,t) = t
let proj1_5 (x,_,_,_,_) = x
let proj2_5 (_,y,_,_,_) = y
let proj3_5 (_,_,z,_,_) = z
let proj4_5 (_,_,_,t,_) = t
let proj5_5 (_,_,_,_,v) = v
let split3 l =
List.fold_left (fun (xs, ys, zs) (x, y, z) -> (x :: xs, y :: ys, z :: zs))
([],[],[]) l
let isNonef f = fun x -> f x = None
let rec gcombine l r =
match l, r with
| [], r -> [], [], r
| a :: q, [] -> [], l, []
| a :: p, b :: q -> let g, rl, rr = gcombine p q in
(a, b) :: g, rl, rr
let list_map_array f l =
let t = Array.of_list l in
Array.map f t
let list_iteri f l =
ignore (List.fold_left (fun acu x -> f acu x; acu+1) 0 l)
let list_mapi f l =
List.rev (snd (List.fold_left (fun (i,q) x -> (i+1, f i x ::q)) (0,[]) l))
exception NonDisjointCase
exception Failure of exn list
type ('a, 'b) either = Left of 'a | Right of 'b
let one_of e1 e2 =
let r_e1 = try (Some (e1 ()), None) with ex -> (None, Some ex)
and r_e2 = try (Some (e2 ()), None) with ex -> (None, Some ex)
match r_e1, r_e2 with
| (None, Some ex1), (None, Some ex2) -> raise (Failure [ ex1; ex2 ])
| (Some v1, None), (Some v2, None) -> raise NonDisjointCase
| (Some v1, None), (None, Some ex) -> Left (v1, ex)
| (None, Some ex), (Some v2, None) -> Right (v2, ex)
| _ -> assert false
let reraise e exn1 exn2 =
try e () with ex when ex = exn1 -> raise exn2 | ex -> raise ex
let just_try e =
try Some (e ()) with Not_found -> None
let ( ^^ ) = ( ^ )
let opt_apply f x =
match f with
| Some f -> Some (f x)
| None -> None
let list_foralli f =
let rec test i = function
[] -> true
| a :: q -> if f i a then test (i+1) q else false
test 0
let list_existsi f =
let rec test i = function
[] -> false
| a :: q -> if f i a then true else test (i+1) q
test 0
let list_mapi2 f =
let rec loop i l1 l2 =
match (l1, l2) with
[], [] -> []
| r :: rs, q :: qs -> f i r q :: (loop (i+1) rs qs)
| _ -> failwith "Invalid arguments for mapi2"
loop 0
let are_distinct l =
let rec fold acu = function
[] -> None
| x :: q -> if List.mem x acu then Some x else fold (x::acu) q
in fold [] l
let all_equal l =
let rec fold acu = function
[] -> true, acu
| x :: q -> (match acu with
None -> fold (Some x) q
| Some y -> if x = y then fold acu q else (false, None))
fold None l