(**************************************************************************) |
(* Mini, a type inference engine based on constraint solving. *)
(* Copyright (C) 2006. François Pottier, Yann Régis-Gianas *)
(* and Didier Rémy. *)
(* *)
(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *)
(* *)
(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *)
(* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA *)
(* 02110-1301 USA *)
(* *)
(**************************************************************************) |
(* $Id: miniInfer.ml 421 2006-12-22 09:27:42Z regisgia $ *)
(** This module implements type inference. *) |
open Positions
open Misc
open MiniKindInferencer
open Constraint
open MiniAlgebra
open CoreAlgebra
open MultiEquation
open MiniTypingEnvironment
open MiniTypingExceptions
open MiniTypes
open MiniAst
(** Inference*) |
(** A fragment denotes the typing information acquired in a match branch.
gamma is the typing environment coming from the binding of pattern
variables. vars are the fresh variables introduced to type the
pattern. tconstraint is the constraint coming from the instantiation
of the data constructor scheme. *) |
type fragment =
gamma : (crterm * position) StringMap.t;
vars : variable list;
tconstraint : tconstraint;
(** The empty_fragment is used when nothing has been bound. *) |
let empty_fragment =
gamma = StringMap.empty;
vars = [];
tconstraint = CTrue undefined_position;
(** Joining two fragments is straightforward except that the environments must be disjoint (a pattern cannot bound a variable several times). *) |
let rec join_fragment pos f1 f2 =
gamma =
StringMap.strict_union f1.gamma f2.gamma
with StringMap.Strict x -> raise (NonLinearPattern (pos, SName x)));
vars = f1.vars @ f2.vars;
tconstraint = f1.tconstraint ^ f2.tconstraint;
(** infer_pat_fragment p t generates a fragment that represents the
information gained by a success when matching p. *) |
and infer_pat_fragment tenv p t =
let join pos = List.fold_left (join_fragment pos) empty_fragment in
let rec infpat t = function
(** Wildcard pattern does not generate any fragment. *) |
| PWildcard pos ->
(** We refer to the algebra to know the type of a primitive. *) |
| PPrimitive (pos, p) ->
{ empty_fragment with
tconstraint = (t =?= type_of_primitive (as_fun tenv) p) pos
(** Matching against a variable generates a fresh flexible variable,
binds it to the name and forces the variable to be equal to t . *) |
| PVar (pos, SName name) ->
let v = variable Flexible () in
gamma = StringMap.singleton name (TVariable v, pos);
tconstraint = (TVariable v =?= t) pos;
vars = [ v ]
(** A disjunction forces the bounded variables of the subpatterns to be equal. For that purpose, we extract the types of the subpatterns' environments and we make them equal. *) |
| POr (pos, ps) ->
let fps = List.map (infpat t) ps in
let rgamma = (List.hd fps).gamma in
let cs =
List.fold_left (fun env_eqc fragment ->
(fun k (t', _) ->
let (t, c) = StringMap.find k env_eqc in
(t, (t =?= t') pos ^ c))
(StringMap.mapi (fun k (t, _) -> (t, CTrue pos)) rgamma)
let c = StringMap.fold (fun k (_, c) acu -> c ^ acu) cs (CTrue pos)
gamma = rgamma;
tconstraint = c ^ conj (List.map (fun f -> f.tconstraint) fps);
vars = List.flatten (List.map (fun f -> f.vars) fps)
with Not_found ->
raise (InvalidDisjunctionPattern pos))
(** A conjunction pattern does join its subpatterns' fragments. *) |
| PAnd (pos, ps) ->
join pos (List.map (infpat t) ps)
(** PAlias (x, p) is equivalent to PAnd (PVar x, p) . *) |
| PAlias (pos, SName name, p) ->
let fragment = infpat t p in
{ fragment with
gamma = StringMap.strict_add name (t, pos) fragment.gamma;
tconstraint = (SName name <? t) pos ^ fragment.tconstraint
(** A type constraint is taken into account by the insertion of a type
equality between t and the annotation. *) |
| PTypeConstraint (pos, p, typ) ->
let fragment = infpat t p
and ityp = intern pos tenv typ in
{ fragment with
tconstraint = (ityp =?= t) pos ^ fragment.tconstraint
(** Matching against a data constructor generates the fragment that:
| PData (pos, k, ps) ->
let (alphas, kt) = fresh_datacon_scheme pos tenv k in
let rt = result_type (as_fun tenv) kt
and ats = arg_types (as_fun tenv) kt in
if (List.length ps <> List.length ats) then
raise (NotEnoughPatternArgts pos)
let fragment = join pos (List.map2 infpat ats ps) in
{ fragment with
tconstraint = fragment.tconstraint ^ (t =?= rt) pos ;
vars = alphas @ fragment.vars;
infpat t p
(** Constraint contexts. *) |
type context =
(crterm, variable) type_constraint -> (crterm, variable) type_constraint
(** intern_data_constructor adt_name env_info dcon_info returns
env_info augmented with the data constructor's typing information
It also checks if its definition is legal. *) |
let intern_data_constructor pos (TName adt_name) env_info dcon_info =
let (tenv, acu, lrqs, let_env) = env_info
and (pos, DName dname, qs, typ) = dcon_info in
let rqs, rtenv = fresh_unnamed_rigid_vars pos tenv qs in
let tenv' = add_type_variables rtenv tenv in
let ityp = intern pos tenv' typ in
let _ =
if not (is_regular_datacon_scheme tenv rqs ityp) then
raise (InvalidDataConstructorDefinition (pos, DName dname))
let v = variable ~structure:ityp Flexible () in
((add_data_constructor tenv (DName dname) (arity typ, rqs, ityp)),
(DName dname, v) :: acu,
(rqs @ lrqs),
StringMap.add dname (ityp, pos) let_env)
(** infer_vdef pos tenv (pos, qs, p, e) returns the constraint
related to a value definition. *) |
let rec infer_vdef pos tenv (pos, qs, p, e) =
let x = variable Flexible () in
let tx = TVariable x in
let rqs, rtenv = fresh_rigid_vars pos tenv qs in
let tenv' = add_type_variables rtenv tenv in
let fragment = infer_pat_fragment tenv' p tx in
Scheme (pos, rqs, x :: fragment.vars,
fragment.tconstraint ^ infer_expr tenv' e tx,
(** infer_binding tenv b examines a binding b , updates the
typing environment if it binds new types or generates
constraints if it binds values. *) |
and infer_binding tenv b =
match b with
| TypeDec (pos, tds) ->
(fun (tenv, c) (pos', kind, name, def) ->
(* Insert the type constructor into the environment. *)
let ikind =
MiniKindInferencer.intern_kind (as_kind_env tenv) kind
and ids_def = ref None
and ivar = variable ~name:name Constant () in
let tenv = add_type_constructor tenv name (ikind, ivar, ids_def)
and c = fun c' ->
CLet ([Scheme (pos, [ivar], [], c', StringMap.empty)],
CTrue pos)
match def with
(* Algebraic datatype definition. *)
| DAlgebraic ds ->
let (tenv, ids, rqs, let_env) =
(intern_data_constructor pos name)
(tenv, [], [], StringMap.empty)
ids_def := Some ids;
(* Insert the data constructors in the constraint
context. *)
let c = fun c' ->
c (CLet ([Scheme (pos', rqs, [], CTrue pos',
(tenv, c)
(tenv, fun c -> c)
| BindValue (pos, vdefs) ->
let schemes = List.map (infer_vdef pos tenv) vdefs in
tenv, (fun c -> CLet (schemes, c))
| BindRecValue (pos, vdefs) ->
(* The constraint context generated for
[let rec forall X1 . x1 : T1 = e1
and forall X2 . x2 = e2] is
let forall X1 (x1 : T1) in
let forall [X2] Z2 [
let x2 : Z2 in [ e2 : Z2 ]
] ( x2 : Z2) in (
forall X1.[ e1 : T1 ] ^
In other words, we first assume that x1 has type scheme
forall X1.T1.
Then, we typecheck the recursive definition x2 = e2, making sure
that the type variable X2 remains rigid, and generalize its type.
This yields a type scheme for x2, which is then used to check
that e1 actually has type scheme forall X1.T1.
In the above example, there are only one explicitly typed and one
implicitly typed value definitions.
In the general case, there are multiple explicitly and implicitly
typed definitions, but the principle remains the same. We generate
a context of the form
let schemes1 in
let forall [rqs2] fqs2 [
let h2 in c2
] h2 in (
c1 ^
let schemes1, rqs2, fqs2, h2, c2, c1 =
(fun (schemes1, rqs2, fqs2, h2, c2, c1) (pos, qs, p, e) ->
(match p with
PVar _ -> ()
| _ -> raise (RecursiveDefMustBeVariable pos));
(* Allocate variables for the quantifiers in the list
[qs], augment the type environment accordingly. *)
let rvs, rtenv = fresh_rigid_vars pos tenv qs in
let tenv' = add_type_variables rtenv tenv in
(* Check whether this is an explicitly or implicitly
typed definition. *)
match explicit_or_implicit p e with
| Implicit (SName name, e) ->
let v = variable Flexible () in
let (t : crterm) = TVariable v in
rvs @ rqs2,
v :: fqs2,
StringMap.add name (t, pos) h2,
infer_expr tenv' e t ^ c2,
| Explicit (SName name, typ, e) ->
intern_scheme pos tenv name qs typ :: schemes1,
fl rvs (infer_expr tenv' e (intern pos tenv' typ))
^ c1
| _ -> assert false
) ([], [], [], StringMap.empty, CTrue pos, CTrue pos) vdefs in
fun c -> CLet (schemes1,
CLet ([ Scheme (pos, rqs2, fqs2,
CLet ([ monoscheme h2 ], c2), h2) ],
c1 ^ c)
(** infer_expr tenv d e t generates a constraint that guarantees that e
has type t . It implements the constraint generation rules for
expressions. It may use d as an equation theory to prove coercion
correctness. *) |
and infer_expr tenv e (t : crterm) =
match e with
(** The exists a. e construction introduces a in the typing
scope so as to be usable in annotations found in e . *) |
| EExists (pos, vs, e) ->
let (fqs, denv) = fresh_flexible_vars pos tenv vs in
let tenv = add_type_variables denv tenv in
ex fqs (infer_expr tenv e t)
(** forall a. e generates the constraint:
let forall b (( e : b )) .(_z : b) in _z < t
which means the e must have a type at least as general as
t assuming a is generic. *) |
| EForall (pos, vs, e) ->
let (rqs, denv) = fresh_rigid_vars pos tenv vs in
let tenv = add_type_variables denv tenv in
let beta = variable Flexible () in
let gt = TVariable beta in
CLet ([Scheme (pos, rqs, [beta],
infer_expr tenv e gt,
StringMap.singleton "_z" (gt, pos)) ],
(SName "_z" <? t) pos)
(** The type of a variable must be at least as general as t . *) |
| EVar (pos, name) ->
(name <? t) pos
(** To type a lambda abstraction, t must be an arrow type.
Furthermore, type variables introduce by the lambda pattern
cannot be generalized locally. *) |
| ELambda (pos, p, e) ->
(* Allocate fresh type variables [x1] and [x2]. *)
(* Allocate a fresh type variable for every variable
defined by [p]. *)
(fun x1 -> exists
(fun x2 ->
let fragment = infer_pat_fragment tenv p x1 in
ex fragment.vars (
CLet (
(* Bind the variables of [p] via
a monomorphic [let] constraint. *)
[ monoscheme fragment.gamma ],
(* Require [x1] to be a valid type for [p]. *)
(* Require [x2] to be a valid type for [e]. *)
^ infer_expr tenv e x2
) ^
(t =?= arrow tenv x1 x2) pos
(* Require the expected type [t] to be an arrow
of [x1] to [x2]. *)
(** Application requires the left hand side to be an arrow and the right hand side to be compatible with the domain of this arrow. *) |
| EApp (pos, e1, e2) ->
exists (fun x ->
infer_expr tenv e1 (arrow tenv x t) ^ infer_expr tenv e2 x
(** A binding b defines a constraint context into which the
constraint of e must be injected. *) |
| EBinding (_, b, e) ->
snd (infer_binding tenv b) (infer_expr tenv e t)
(** A type constraint inserts a type equality into the generated constraint. *) |
| ETypeConstraint (pos, e, typ) ->
let ityp = intern pos tenv typ in
(t =?= ityp) pos ^ infer_expr tenv e ityp
(** The constraint of a match makes equal the type of the scrutinee
and the type of every branch pattern. The body of each branch must
be equal to t . *) |
| EMatch (pos, e, clauses) ->
exists (fun x ->
infer_expr tenv e x ^
(fun (pos, p, e) ->
let fragment = infer_pat_fragment tenv p x in
CLet ([ Scheme (pos, [], fragment.vars,
fragment.gamma) ],
infer_expr tenv e t))
(** A data constructor application is similar to usual application except that it must be fully applied. *) |
| EDCon (pos, (DName d as k), es) ->
let arity, _, _ = lookup_datacon tenv k in
let les = List.length es in
if les <> arity then
raise (PartialDataConstructorApplication (pos, arity, les))
exists_list es
(fun xs ->
let (kt, c) =
List.fold_left (fun (kt, c) (e, x) ->
arrow tenv x kt, c ^ infer_expr tenv e x)
(t, CTrue pos)
(List.rev xs)
c ^ (SName d <? kt) pos)
(** The application of a primitive refers to the algebra to check the types. *) |
| EPrimApp (pos, c, args) ->
exists_list args
(fun xs ->
let xts = snd (List.split xs) in
let ct = List.fold_left (fun acu x -> arrow tenv x acu) t xts in
(ct =?= type_of_primitive (as_fun tenv) c) pos ^
CConjunction (List.map (curry (infer_expr tenv)) xs))
(** An empty record as type \abs. *) |
| ERecordEmpty (pos) ->
(t =?= uniform (abs (as_fun tenv))) pos
(** The record definition by extension.
We give a type to each bounded label.
t must be a record that assigns a pre type to each label. *) |
| ERecordExtend (pos, bindings, exp) ->
exists_list bindings
(fun xs ->
exists (fun x ->
let labels = List.map extract_label_from_binding bindings
and ts = assoc_proj2 xs in
let typed_labels = List.combine labels ts in
(t =?= record_type pos tenv typed_labels x) pos;
infer_expr tenv exp x
] @
List.map (infer_label tenv) xs
(** Record update assigns the type of e2 to the label label and
does not change the reminder of the record. This is done by the use
of three type variables:
| ERecordUpdate (pos, e1, label, e2) ->
(fun x x' y ->
let r =
record_constructor (as_fun tenv)
(rowcons label (pre (as_fun tenv) x') y)
and r' =
record_constructor (as_fun tenv)
(rowcons label x y)
infer_expr tenv e1 r';
infer_expr tenv e2 x';
(t =?= r) pos
(** Accessing the label label of e1 requires e1 's type to
be a record in which label is assign a pre x type. *) |
| ERecordAccess (pos, e1, label) ->
exists (fun x ->
exists (fun y ->
let r =
record_constructor (as_fun tenv)
(rowcons label (pre (as_fun tenv) x) y)
infer_expr tenv e1 r ^ (t =?= x) pos))
(** Assert false is a special construction whose type: forall a. a. *) |
| EAssertFalse pos ->
CTrue pos
and extract_label_from_binding (name, _) =
and record_type pos tenv xs x =
let xs = List.map (fun (b, t) -> (b, pre (as_fun tenv) t)) xs in
(match are_distinct (fst (List.split xs)) with
Some x -> raise (MultipleLabels (pos, x))
| _ -> ());
record_constructor (as_fun tenv) (n_rowcons xs x)
and extend_record_binding pos tenv l t =
(fun x x' y ->
(n_arrows tenv [ rowcons l x y; x' ] (rowcons l x' y) =?= t) pos
and infer_label tenv ((_, exp), t) =
infer_expr tenv exp t
(** infer e determines whether the expression e is well-typed
in the empty environment. *) |
let infer tenv e =
exists (infer_expr tenv e)
(** bind b generates a constraint context that describes the
top-level binding b . *) |
let bind env b =
infer_binding env b
let infer_program env =
List.fold_left (fun (env, acu) b ->
let env, f = bind env b in
env, (fun c -> acu (f c)))
(env, fun c -> c)
let init_env () =
let builtins =
init_builtin_env (fun ?name () -> variable Rigid ?name:name ())
(* Add the builtin data constructors into the environment. *)
let init_ds adt_name acu ds =
if ds = [] then None, acu
let (env, acu, lrqs, let_env) as r =
(fun acu (d, rqs, ty) ->
intern_data_constructor undefined_position adt_name acu
(undefined_position, d, rqs, ty)
) acu ds
(Some acu, r)
(* For each builtin algebraic datatype, define a type constructor
and related data constructors into the environment. *)
let (init_env, acu, lrqs, let_env) =
(fun (env, dvs, lrqs, let_env) (n, (kind, v, ds)) ->
let r = ref None in
let env = add_type_constructor env n
(MiniKindInferencer.intern_kind (as_kind_env env) kind,
variable ~name:n Constant (),
r) in
let (dvs, acu) = init_ds n (env, dvs, lrqs, let_env) ds in
r := dvs;
(empty_environment, [], [], StringMap.empty)
(List.rev builtins)
let vs =
fold_type_info (fun vs (n, (_, v, _)) -> v :: vs) [] init_env
(* The initial environment is implemented as a constraint context. *)
(fun c ->
CLet ([ Scheme (undefined_position, vs, [],
CLet ([ Scheme (undefined_position, lrqs, [],
CTrue undefined_position,
let_env) ],
StringMap.empty) ],
CTrue undefined_position)),
let remove_init_context = function
CLet ([ Scheme (pos, rqs, fqs, CLet (_, c), h) ], CTrue pos') ->
| _ -> assert false
let generate_constraint_task = "generate-constraint"
let generate_constraint b =
let c, env = init_env () in
c ((snd (infer_program env b)) (CDump Positions.undefined_position))
let register_tasks parse_program_task =
generate_constraint_task ([], ignore)
[ [ parse_program_task ] ]
(fun t -> generate_constraint (List.hd t))
(const true)