open MultiEquation
open CoreAlgebra
open Positions
open MiniAst
module Ast = MiniAst
type symbol = int
type associativity =
| AssocLeft
| NonAssoc
| AssocRight
| EnclosedBy of string * string
type builtin_dataconstructor = dname * tname list * MiniAst.typ
let builtin_env =
let arrow_type pos t1 t2 =
TypApp (pos, TypVar (pos, TName "->"), [ t1; t2 ])
let tuple_type2 pos t1 t2 =
TypApp (pos, TypVar (pos, TName "*"), [ t1; t2 ])
let gen_tvar v =
TypVar (undefined_position, TName v)
TName "pre", (false, NonAssoc, -1, KArrow (KStar, KStar), []);
TName "abs", (false, NonAssoc, -1, KStar, []);
TName "pi" , (false, EnclosedBy ("{", "}"), -1, KArrow (KEmptyRow, KStar), []);
TName "->" , (true, AssocRight, 0, KArrow (KStar, KArrow (KStar, KStar)), []);
TName "*" , (true, NonAssoc, 1, KArrow (KStar, KArrow (KStar, KStar)),
[ (DName "_Tuple", [ TName "a"; TName "b" ],
arrow_type undefined_position (gen_tvar "a")
(arrow_type undefined_position (gen_tvar "b")
(tuple_type2 undefined_position
(gen_tvar "a") (gen_tvar "b"))))
TName "int" , (false, NonAssoc, 2, KStar, []);
TName "char", (false, NonAssoc, 2, KStar, []);
TName "unit", (false, NonAssoc, 3, KStar,
[ (DName "_Unit", [],
TypVar (undefined_position, TName "unit"))])
let get_infix (i, _, _,_,_) =
let get_assoc (_, a, _,_,_) =
let get_priority (_, _, p,_,_) =
let as_symbol name =
Misc.just_try (fun () -> Misc.array_associ name builtin_env)
let init_builtin_env variable =
(fun acu (o, (_,_,_,arity, ds)) ->
(o, (arity,
TVariable (variable ?name:(Some o) ()),
) :: acu)
[] builtin_env
let is_builtin op =
let infix op =
get_infix (snd builtin_env.(op))
with Not_found -> false
let priority op =
get_priority (snd builtin_env.(op))
with Not_found -> max_int
let associativity op =
get_assoc (snd builtin_env.(op))
with Not_found -> NonAssoc
type 'a environment = tname -> 'a arterm
let symbol tenv (i : tname) =
tenv i
let type_of_primitive tenv = function
| PIntegerConstant _ -> symbol tenv (TName "int")
| PUnit -> symbol tenv (TName "unit")
| PCharConstant _ -> symbol tenv (TName "char")
let mkref tenv x =
let v = symbol tenv (TName "ref") in
TTerm (App (v, x))
let mkunit tenv =
symbol tenv (TName "unit")
let pre tenv x =
let v = symbol tenv (TName "pre") in
TTerm (App (v, x))
let record_constructor tenv x =
let v = symbol tenv (TName "pi") in
TTerm (App (v, x))
let abs tenv =
symbol tenv (TName "abs")
let arrow tenv t u =
let v = symbol tenv (TName "->") in
TTerm (App (TTerm (App (v, t)), u))
let n_arrows tenv ts u =
List.fold_left (fun acu x -> arrow tenv acu x) u ts
let tuple tenv ps =
let n = if ps = [] then "unit" else "*" in
let v = symbol tenv (TName n) in
List.fold_left (fun acu x -> TTerm (App (acu, x))) v ps
let result_type tenv t =
let a = symbol tenv (TName "->") in
let rec chop n t =
if n = 0 then t
match t with
| TTerm (App (TTerm (App (v, t)), u)) when v = a -> chop (n-1) u
| u -> assert (n <= 0); u
chop (-1) t
let arg_types tenv t =
let a = symbol tenv (TName "->") in
let rec chop acu = function
| TTerm (App (TTerm (App (v, t)), u)) when v = a -> chop (t :: acu) u
| x -> acu
List.rev (chop [] t)
let tycon_args t =
let rec chop acu = function
| TTerm (App (t, u)) -> chop (u :: acu) t
| _ -> acu
chop [] t
let rec tycon_name = function
| TTerm (App (u, _)) -> tycon_name u
| TVariable v as t -> t
| _ -> assert false