open MultiEquation
open CoreAlgebra
open Printf
open Positions
open MiniTypingExceptions
open MiniSolver
open Unifier
open MiniAst
let error_channel = ref stderr
let set_error_channel c =
error_channel := c
let msg m p =
fprintf !error_channel m (Positions.string_of_pos p)
let handle ?dont_exit e = (
e (); if dont_exit = None then exit 0
| MiniLexer.Error (msg, c1, c2) ->
fprintf !error_channel "%s near characters %d-%d.\n" msg c1 c2
| NonExhaustiveMatch (pos, pat) ->
msg ("%s:\n This match is not exhaustive, the following pattern " ^^
"is not matched:\n")
assert false
| CannotGeneralize (p, v) ->
msg "%s:\n Cannot generalize `%s'.\n" p
(Print.print_variable false v)
| NonDistinctVariables (p, vs) ->
let lvs = Misc.print_separated_list ";"
(Print.print_variable false) vs in
msg ("%s:\n The following variables have been unified: [%s].\n")
p lvs
| KindError p ->
msg "%s:\n Kind error.\n" p
| TypingError p ->
msg "%s:\n Typing error.\n" p
| UnboundTypeConstructor (p, TName t) ->
msg "%s:\n Unbound type constructor `%s'.\n" p t
| UnboundIdentifier (p, k) ->
msg "%s:\n Unbound identifier `%s'.\n" p k
| CannotUnify (p, t1, t2) ->
msg "%s:\n `%s' cannot be unified with `%s'.\n" p
(Print.print_term false t1)
(Print.print_term false t2);
| NonLinearPattern (p, SName x) ->
msg "%s:\n The variable '%s' occurs several times.\n" p x
| NotEnoughPatternArgts p ->
msg "%s:\n Not enough pattern arguments.\n" p
| InvalidDisjunctionPattern p ->
"%s:\n A disjunction pattern must bind exactly the same variables.\n"
| PartialDataConstructorApplication (p, d, u) ->
"%s:\n This data constructor needs %d arguments not %d.\n"
p d u
| InvalidNumberOfTypeVariable p ->
msg "%s:\n Invalid number of local type variables in pattern.\n" p
| MultipleLabels (p, LName n) ->
msg "%s:\n Multiple definition of label %s.\n" p n
| InvalidTypeVariableIdentifier (p, TName v) ->
msg "%s:\n `%s' type constructor is used as a type variable.\n" p v
| RecursiveDefMustBeVariable p ->
msg ("%s:\n The left-hand side of a recursive definition must be "^^
"a variable.\n") p
| InvalidDataConstructorDefinition (p, DName k) ->
msg "%s:\n The type of the data constructor '%s' is incorrect.\n"
p k
| ParsingExceptions.Unclosed (b, e, p1, p2) ->
msg "%s:\n Unclosed %s %s (may begin at %s).\n"
p2 b e (Positions.string_of_pos p1)
| ParsingExceptions.Other l ->
msg "%s:\n Parse error.\n" (Positions.cpos l));
if dont_exit = None then exit 1