open Positions
open Misc
open PrettyPrinter
open Constraint
open Print
open MultiEquation
open Format
type formula =
(MultiEquation.crterm, MultiEquation.variable) Constraint.type_constraint
let print_crterm ?user_name_from_int t =
print_term ?user_name_from_int false t
let print_variable ?user_name_from_int v =
let vt = print_variable ?user_name_from_int false v in
if (UnionFind.find v).structure <> None then
Printf.sprintf "(%s)" vt
let active_mode mode =
match mode with
| Formatter r ->
Format.set_tags true;
~spaces:r.spaces ;
if r.with_tags then (
mark_open_tag = (fun t -> r.open_tag t; "");
mark_close_tag = (fun t -> r.close_tag t; "");
print_open_tag = ignore;
print_close_tag = ignore;
set_margin r.margin)
| Latex out ->
let _ = Format.set_margin 115 in
let outputf s p n =
let s = (String.sub s p n) in
let s' =
(fun acu (s, s') ->
Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string s) s' acu)
s [
("\\", "$\\partial$");
("let ", "\\textbf{let} ");
("in ", "\\textbf{in} ");
("=>", "$\\Rightarrow$");
("*", "$\\times$");
("forall", "$\\forall$");
("exists", "$\\exists$");
("_", "");
("and", "$\\wedge$");
(" or ", " $\\vee$ ");
("->", " $\\rightarrow$ ");
("true", "$\\top$");
("<", "$<$");
(">", "$>$");
("=", "$\\stackrel{?}{=}$");
] in
output_string out s'
and flush () = flush out
and newline () = output_string out "\\\\\n"
and spaces n =
if (n != 0) then
output_string out (Printf.sprintf "\\hspace*{%fcm}" (float_of_int n *. 0.02))
| Txt out ->
let _ = Format.set_margin 80 in
~out:(fun s b e -> output_string out (String.sub s b e))
~flush:(fun () -> flush out)
~newline:(fun () -> output_string out "\n")
~spaces:(fun n -> for i = 0 to n do output_string out " " done)
let is_let = function
| CLet _ -> true
| _ -> false
let paren f =
print_string "(";
f ();
print_string ")"
let printf_constraint
?forall ?exists ?andsym ?before ?after ?user_name_from_int mode c =
let exists = default "exists " exists
and forall = default "forall " forall
and andsym = default "and" andsym
and print_variable = print_variable ?user_name_from_int
and print_crterm = print_crterm ?user_name_from_int
let rec pconstraint c =
ignore (opt_apply before c);
(match c with
| CTrue _
| CConjunction []
| CDisjunction [] ->
print_string "true"
| CDump _ ->
print_string "dump"
| CEquation (_, t1, t2) ->
printf "%s = %s"
(print_crterm t1)
(print_crterm t2)
| CConjunction (c :: []) ->
pconstraint c
| CConjunction (c :: cs) ->
printf "(";
pconstraint c;
List.iter (fun c ->
printf "@ %s@ "
if is_let c then paren
(fun () -> pconstraint c) else pconstraint c) cs;
printf ")"
| CDisjunction (c :: []) ->
pconstraint c
| CDisjunction (c :: cs) ->
assert false
| CLet ([ Scheme (_, [], fqs, c, h) ], CTrue _)
when StringMap.empty = h ->
let rec chop_exists acu = function
| CLet ([ Scheme (_, [], fqs', c', _) ], CTrue _) ->
chop_exists (acu @ fqs') c'
| lc -> (acu, lc)
let (fqs, c) = chop_exists fqs c in
if (List.length fqs <> 0) then
print_string exists;
print_string (print_separated_list " " print_variable fqs);
if (List.length fqs <> 0) then
printf ".@,";
printf "@[<b 2>";
pconstraint c;
printf "@]"
| CLet (schemes, c) ->
printf "let @[<b>";
printf_schemes schemes;
printf "@]@ in@ @[<b>";
pconstraint c;
printf "@]"
| CInstance (_, SName name, t) ->
printf "%s < %s" name (print_crterm t)
ignore (opt_apply after c)
and printf_schemes = function
| [] -> ()
| [ x ] -> printf_scheme x
| x :: q -> (printf_scheme x; print_cut (); print_string " ; ";
print_cut (); printf_schemes q)
and is_true = function CTrue _ -> true | _ -> false
and printf_scheme (Scheme (_, rqs, fqs, c, header)) =
let len = StringMap.fold (fun x k acu -> acu + 1) header 0 in
printf "";
if (List.length rqs + List.length fqs <> 0) then
print_string forall;
print_string (print_separated_list " " print_variable fqs);
if rqs <> [] then
printf "{%s}" (print_separated_list " " print_variable rqs);
if not (is_true c) then (
printf "@,[@[<b>";
pconstraint c;
printf "@]]");
if (len <> 0) then print_string "(";
let f = ref true in
let sep () = if !f then (f := false; "") else "; " in
StringMap.iter (fun name (t, pos) -> printf "%s%s : %s"
(sep ()) name (print_crterm t))
if (len <> 0) then print_string ")";
in (
active_mode mode;
open_box 0;
pconstraint c;
close_box ();
print_newline ();