(**************************************************************************) |
(* Mini, a type inference engine based on constraint solving. *)
(* Copyright (C) 2006. François Pottier, Yann Régis-Gianas *)
(* and Didier Rémy. *)
(* *)
(* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *)
(* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *)
(* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *)
(* *)
(* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *)
(* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* General Public License for more details. *)
(* *)
(* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *)
(* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *)
(* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA *)
(* 02110-1301 USA *)
(* *)
(**************************************************************************) |
(* $Id: basicSetEquations.ml 421 2006-12-22 09:27:42Z regisgia $ *)
module type SetType =
type t
(** The type of sets. *) |
val empty: t
(** empty is the empty set. *) |
val union: t -> t -> t
(** union returns the union of two sets, which may safely be assumed
disjoint. *) |
val inter: t -> t -> t
(** inter returns the intersection of two sets. *) |
val diff: t -> t -> t
(** diff returns the difference of two sets. *) |
val is_empty: t -> bool
(** is_empty tells whether a set is empty. *) |
val equal: t -> t -> bool
(** equal tells whether two sets are equal. *) |
val print: t -> string
(** print s provides a textual representation of the set s . *) |
module Make (Set : SetType) =
open UnionFind
(* [disjoint] tells whether two sets are disjoint. *)
let disjoint s1 s2 =
Set.is_empty (Set.inter s1 s2)
(* [subset] tells whether two sets are in a subset relationship. *)
let subset s1 s2 =
Set.is_empty (Set.diff s1 s2)
(* A term is a variable $\alpha$, a constant set $L$, or a disjoint sum
$L\oplus\alpha$, where $L$ is non-empty.
Each variable carries a set of labels which it is not allowed to
contain. In other words, if the variable $\alpha$ carries the set $L$,
then we must satisfy $\alpha\subseteq\neg L$.
We maintain the following invariant: whenever we form a disjoint sum
$L\oplus\alpha$, we add $L$ to $\alpha$'s annotation. In other words,
whenever a term $L\oplus\alpha$ exists, the constraint
$\alpha\subseteq\neg L$ also exists. *)
type set =
type term =
descriptor point
and descriptor =
| Variable of set
| Constant of set
| DisjointSum of set * term
(* A pretty-printer. *)
let i2s =
let hashed_terms = ref []
let new_name v =
let name = "V"^ (string_of_int (List.length !hashed_terms)) in
hashed_terms := (v, name) :: !hashed_terms;
let name v =
let rec chop = function
[] -> new_name v
| (v', n) :: q when UnionFind.equivalent v v' -> n
| _ :: q -> chop q
chop !hashed_terms
(* [normalize node] normalizes [node] so that its descriptor is a variable,
a constant, or a disjoint sum of a constant and a variable. It returns
the descriptor. *)
let rec normalize node =
match find node with
| DisjointSum (s1, node2) as desc -> (
match normalize node2 with
| Constant s2 ->
change node (Constant (Set.union s1 s2))
| DisjointSum (s2, tail2) ->
change node (DisjointSum (Set.union s1 s2, tail2))
| Variable _ ->
| desc ->
let print node =
match normalize node with
| Variable _ ->
name node
| Constant set ->
Set.print set
| DisjointSum (set, node) ->
Printf.sprintf "(%s+%s)" (Set.print set) (name node)
(* [impose restriction node] makes sure that the (denotation of the) term
[node] and the constant set [restriction] are disjoint, by imposing an
appropriate constraint on [node]'s free variable, if necessary. If this
requirement is violated, then [Error] is raised. *)
exception Error
let rec impose restriction node =
match normalize node with
| Constant s ->
if not (disjoint s restriction) then
raise Error
| Variable forbidden ->
let forbidden' = Set.union forbidden restriction in
if not (Set.equal forbidden forbidden') then
ignore (change node (Variable forbidden'))
| DisjointSum (s, node) ->
if not (disjoint s restriction) then
raise Error;
impose restriction node
(* [check x node] checks that the variable [x] does not occur within the
term [node], and raises [Error] otherwise. *)
let check x node =
match normalize node with
| Constant _ ->
| Variable _ ->
if equivalent x node then
raise Error
| DisjointSum (_, node) ->
if equivalent x node then
raise Error
(* Constructors. *)
let variable forbidden =
fresh (Variable forbidden)
let constant s =
fresh (Constant s)
let empty =
constant Set.empty
let _sum s node =
impose s node;
fresh (DisjointSum (s, node))
let sum s node =
if Set.is_empty s then
_sum s node
(* [unify] unifies its arguments, that is, forces them to have the same
denotation. [Error] is raised if the equations become unsolvable as a
result. *)
let rec unify node1 node2 =
if not (equivalent node1 node2) then
match normalize node1, normalize node2, node1, node2 with
| Variable forbidden1, _, node1, node2
| _, Variable forbidden1, node2, node1 ->
impose forbidden1 node2;
check node1 node2;
union node1 node2
| Constant s1, Constant s2, _, _ ->
if not (Set.equal s1 s2) then
raise Error;
union node1 node2
| Constant s1, DisjointSum (s2, tail2), node1, node2
| DisjointSum (s2, tail2), Constant s1, node2, node1 ->
if not (subset s2 s1) then
raise Error;
unify tail2 (constant (Set.diff s1 s2));
union node2 node1
| DisjointSum (s1, tail1), DisjointSum (s2, tail2), _, _ ->
let s1 = Set.diff s1 s2
and s2 = Set.diff s2 s1 in
match Set.is_empty s1, Set.is_empty s2 with
| true, true ->
unify tail1 tail2
| false, true ->
unify (_sum s1 tail1) tail2
| true, false ->
unify tail1 (_sum s2 tail2)
| false, false ->
let tail = variable (Set.union s1 s2) in
unify tail1 (_sum s2 tail);
unify tail2 (_sum s1 tail)
union node1 node2
(* [default t] replaces any variable which appears (unconstrained) within
the term [t] with the empty set. *)
let rec default node =
match normalize node with
| Variable _ ->
union node empty
| DisjointSum (_, node) ->
union node empty
| Constant _ ->
(* A simplified version of [variable]. *)
let svariable () =
variable Set.empty
let print_descriptor = function
| Variable s -> "V("^ Set.print s ^")"
| Constant s -> "Cst("^ Set.print s ^")"
| DisjointSum (s1, s2) -> "("^ Set.print s1 ^") + (" ^ print s2 ^ ")"
let print v = print_descriptor (UnionFind.find v)